About Us
Intrigue Beauty Was Made With A Passion For Hair In Mind. We Love Everything About Hair From The Versatility To The Boost Of Confidence That It Gives. To Us , Our Customers Matters So Much So We Want To Provide The Highest Quality Hair for Customer Satisfaction.
Intrigue Beauty Values Quality. We spent years testing countless suppliers to ensure we are providing authentic raw human hair. We take pride in our quality because we believe in investments. A product you can keep reusing over an extended amount of time is better than a product that has to keep getting replaced ultimately costing you more money don’t you think?
Intrigue Beauty Values Convenience. We Stride On Having Our Products Be A Convenience To You As Much As They Can By Having quality, long lasting hair & Helpful Tips On How To Care And Manage For The Extensions
Intrigue Beauty Values Your Look & Confidence.
The Ultimate Goal Is To Look and Feel Top Notch When You Install Your Products. We want that install process to be flawless so we take pride in having high quality extensions that are so easy to install even a beginner could do it . We will be there every step of the way because when you look good you feel good and at the end of the day we want a happy satisfied customer
For the modern women that embodies luxury through their hair .
Our mission is to provide the working boss women high quality hair extensions that not only offer convenience on a day to day basis but can boost confidence & show versatility giving the ultimate hair experience